Discover New Opportunities


Applying a strategic mindset to the design of analyses and interpretation of results leads to unique insights and new opportunities.

  • Market & Opportunity Assessments
  • Competitor Assessment
  • Buying Process / Patient Journey
  • Market Map & Market Drivers
  • Dynamic Source of Business
  • HCP Influence Assessment
  • Dynamic Patient Opportunities
  • Custom Advanced Analytics & Market Research

Formulate Better Decisions & Strategies


Employing proprietary frameworks to characterize intrinsic market dynamics and customer interdependencies supports evidence-based decision making and strategy formulation.

  • Integrated Dynamic Strategy
  • Brand Strategy: Development, Launch, Growth, Mature
  • Market Access Strategy
  • Customer Engagement Strategies
  • Life Cycle Management Planning
  • Due Diligence & Strategic Decision Support

Forecast With Greater Precision


Quantifying the impact of market forces, dynamics and trends, along with predicting stakeholder behavior, creates more precisely calibrated market, product, and customer performance forecasts.

  • Market Simulation
  • Dynamic Patient Flow Modeling
  • Predictive HCP Behavior & Adoption Modeling
  • Payer Control & Account-based Modeling
  • New Product & In-line Brand Forecasting
  • LCM Opportunity Forecasting

Design Impactful Execution Plans


Creating execution plans that align coordinated activities and allocate resources to the highest potential customer targets produces greater returns.

  • Customer Value Assessment
  • Advanced Targeting & Segmentation Solutions
  • Managed Care Account Prioritization
  • Sales Force Sizing & Call Planning
  • Marketing Mix Optimization
  • Resource Allocation Planning
  • Targeted & Differential Marketing

Track Performance & Respond To Market Changes


Utilizing real-time performance assessment and scenario based response planning allows clients to remain more agile than competitors.

  • Performance Dashboard & Automated Reporting Tool
  • Next Generation Performance Metrics
  • Real-time Marketing Mix Tracking
  • Customer & Program-level ROI Measurement
  • War Gaming & Scenario Planning
  • Strategic & Tactical Response Planning